kdevelop in KDE4 status

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun May 20 16:25:18 UTC 2007

On 20.05.07 17:42:29, Jonas Widarsson wrote:
> On 5/20/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> > Why don't you use KDevelop3 for developing your application? That one
> > has far more support for C++ especially things like code navigation and
> > completion and is much more mature.
> Hmmm, yes I am using KDevelop 3.4 now. But that has to live outside
> KDE4 i assume and then every time I run my app I need it to pop up
> inside the Xephyr window running the unstable KDE4. And I don't know
> how to do that yet. I installed Xephyr for the first today and tested
> KDE3 inside it. but I haven't tried any development on and using
> Qt4/KDE4 yet.

I never jumped to any of the hoops that techbase suggest (although they
keep first-time-kde4 users from screwing up their KDE 3 env) once I
started KDE4 hacking. All I have is a small script to set the needed env
vars (and the same list of env vars set in the run and make options in
KDev3) and another one that sources the first and then executes any
arguments given to it. So all I need to do to start a KDE4 app in my
KDE3 environment is 

execkde4 appname

And for developing KDev4 I can use the build and run buttons in it,
because I've set up its env vars properly. Works like a charm - even

The only caveat is that from time to time one needs to explicitly kill
the kded, klauncher and kdeinit that are started. This wasn't needed for
quite some time and of course is only needed if you don't log out of
your desktop after a day of work.

Attached is the env setting script and a snippet from the .kdevelop file
for the env vars (setting them inside the gui is kind of tedious), just
set one var and look what changed in the .kdevelop file of your project.
Then put the snippet in that position instead.


Look afar and see the end from the beginning.
-------------- next part --------------
export QTINSTDIR=$HOME/qt-copy
export QTDOCDIR=$HOME/qt-copy/doc/html
export KDEINSTDIR=$HOME/kde4
export KDEDIRS=$HOME/kde4
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$KDEINSTDIR/lib/kde4/plugins
export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde4
export KDETMP=/tmp/andreas-kde4
export KDEVARTMP=/var/tmp/andreas-kde4
-------------- next part --------------
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/kde4" name="KDEDIRS" />
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/.kde4" name="KDEHOME" />
        <envvar value="/tmp/andreas-kde4" name="KDETMP" />
        <envvar value="/var/tmp/andreas-kde4" name="KDEVARTMP" />
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/qt-copy/lib:/home/andreas/kde4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" />
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/kde4/bin:/home/andreas/qt-copy/bin:$PATH" name="PATH" />
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/qt-copy/lib:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" name="PKG_CONFIG_PATH" />
        <envvar value="/home/andreas/qt-copy/plugins:/home/andreas/kde4/lib/kde4/plugins" name="QT_PLUGIN_PATH" />

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