What documentation style should we use?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri May 18 21:21:56 UTC 2007

On 18.05.07 16:05:11, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> While working on the VCS Interfaces I've noticed a couple different 
> styles for documentation, specifically some sentences end with periods, 
> some don't, some things have initial capitals, some don't. Is there a 
> set of rules we should be following for this? I would have thought 
> "English sentences", meaning always capitalize and always end with a 
> period...?

fine with me. If comments from me are lacking either please fix or tell
me. Especially I tend to forget the period at the end of sentences. Its
nothing that I meant to do that wasy, I just forget it :)


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