Code Completion got worse?

David Nolden david.nolden at
Tue May 15 10:16:51 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 15 May 2007 01:26:20 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 15.05.07 01:02:19, David Nolden wrote:
> Yes, worked here too. I've found another occassion where recreating the
> pcs didn't help:
> plugins/qtdesigner/qtdesignerdocument.cpp
> add "area->" to line 109 and then try to get completion - doesn't work.
> And I know that qmdi* was parsed during the import.
> Also one thing that just came to my mind: Is it a problem if my KDE4
> database has includes for KDevelop's installed headers too? I recall
> that somebody had problems after importing his project's header...
> Andreas

This worked for me, after I:
1) Recreated the qt-4 pcs because I thought it was the reason why the 
completion failed
2) Added qtdesignerdocument.cpp to the project. There's no completion on files 
that are not part of the project right now.

I cannot tell which one fixed it.. maybe the file isn't part of your project 

greetings, David

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