Finding APR

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed May 9 18:49:35 UTC 2007

On 09.05.07 10:30:41, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 08.05.07 18:02:59, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> Did you look at the revision I pointed you at yet? That's exactly what I 
> >> did in kdesdk :-). (Actually you want to use FIND_LIBRARY to "add lib 
> >> and .so", but close enough.)
> > 
> > Of course I did :) Well, splitting at "-" is just as bad as splitting at
> > " ", it may be inside a path as well.
> Ok, from your "this might work" it sounded like you hadn't. :-)
> > Anyway I'm going to build apr tomorrow locally and put it into a path
> > with spaces, lets see what apr-config tells me afterwards (I'm guessing
> > it will give me -Lfoo bar or -Lfoo\ bar, but no quotes).
> Which means it's broken, of course ;-) but wouldn't surprise me.

Couldn't you've said that apr uses autotools for building? Autotools
don't work with directories containing spaces. While configure works and
make obviously too, the installation doesn't because install doesn't
seem to handle whitespace-dirs. 

So bottom line is: We don't have to worry about whitespace in paths on
windows and unix. So apr-config and apu-config will be required to find
apr/apu in our cmake macro.

I'm right now working on this and will commit some cleanups to kdevelop
later today.

> >> This would work great if we could do real word splitting on the output 
> >> of --link-ld... Right now I just split on spaces, which will break if 
> >> there are quoted spaces in the output of --link-ld. (I was told on the 
> >> CMake list that "there is no way to do this correctly using regular 
> >> expressions", which to be honest I'm not convinced of
> > 
> > Well, you can if you ignore quotes of "", i.e. something like 
> > 
> > "foo\"bar"
> > 
> > cannot be parsed by a regexp.
> It can't?

Right, although the approach I took for qmake parser is slightly
different :)


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