Project Managers not working anymore

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun May 6 14:08:44 UTC 2007


I need some help from a template guru, out of a sudden the project
managers cannot be used anymore here on my system. What seems to happen
is that code from the macro


is not executed. What the macro does, if I understand correctly, is
create a specialized template function called qt_extension<>() where the
parameter given to the KDEV_DECLARE_EXTENSION_INTERFACE is used, i.e.
for IProjectFileManager I get


however during debugging this function is not executed, but instead the
"default" one taking a parameter "T", which returns 0 instead of a
proper object.

Now I upgraded gcc recently to 4.1.3 on Debian unstable and wonder
wether it might be a gcc bug that the specialized template function
isn't executed.


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