VCS Interface classes

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Thu May 3 16:33:00 UTC 2007

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> I think a week for discussion is enough (unless somebody plans vacations
>> during the next week), thus I'm going to commit these interfaces to svn
>> next weekend or on the bic monday.
> Were you going to commit these for collaborative editing purposes 
> (marked EXPERIMENTAL, maybe, to tell people not to use them yet)?
> Is "VCS" the best prefix? Isn't the standard to not capitalize acronyms, 
> i.e. "Vcs" instead? Should it be "KVcs" or is the namespace enough?

For now I'm using "Vcs". Here's the latest version, please tell me if I 
missed anything. :-)

I added show* methods, VcsEvent and VcsChange (better names welcomed for 
consideration) for log() and change() (suggestions on a better name for 
/that/ also welcomed), and split IBrowsingVC into IBrowsingVC and 
IAtomicBrowsingVC, the latter for VCS's that support atomic commits 
(i.e. "not cvs"). repositoryVersion moves to IAtomicBrowsing and added 
change(). Hmm, maybe "Atomic" is a bad name, but the two definitely go 
together, they only make sense for VCS's that have a concept of a global 
version number. Should we also have changes(), or just use log() on the 
repository root to get a list?

Disadvantage: Bad Puns [-5]
You constantly utter puns so egregious as to cause mental distress to 
anyone hearing them. This can, however, be used to distract enemies.
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