UI-Idea for KDev4: Working-File-Baskets

Kuba Ober kuba at mareimbrium.org
Thu May 3 09:41:36 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 02 May 2007, David Nolden wrote:
> Hi! Just while following all your discussion around VCS, I was thinking
> about what would be necessary for me to use a subversion-plugin in
> KDevelop, and I think the main problem is the missing overview, especially
> when you have files spread over multiple folders.
> Think about his case:
> I've changed lib/cppparser/parser.cpp, lib/cppparser/parser.h, and
> languages/cpp/cppcodecompletion.cpp.
> I want to commit those changes comfortable using the GUI, before that I
> want to review them with kompare, and I do NOT want to be confused by the
> changes I did to any other files in the project.
> [...]
> A basket would be an arbitrary set of files or virtual files, that could be
> managed by drag & drop. On these baskets it would be possible to do all the
> operations you can do in the file-tree, including VCS-stuff, as well as
> additional special-operations according to the basket-type.

That's why I love aegis, where the only way to change a file is to make it 
part of the current change (otherwise the file is read only and not in your 
change directory). Thus aegis tools such as aediff "just work" and know where 
to look.

Cheers, Kuba

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