Subversion's Diff to Head broken

dukju ahn dukjuahn at
Tue May 1 13:18:17 UTC 2007

2007/5/1, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at>:
> Hi,
> for some reason the diff-to-head function with subversion is broken in
> curernt 3.4 svn. The weird thing is that the progress status seems to
> download data from the repository (and of course the file does contain
> differences), but I get a "there are no differences" dialog box.
> Any takers?

Strange, because I checked out newest and it works very well.
Nothing is changed regarding svn diff except someone added dontshowagain
for people who dont want to use Kompare. But that's not the reason
of broken.
Do you still suffer from that?

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