How to get a pointer for mainwindow?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Mar 27 10:16:45 UTC 2007

On 27.03.07 11:42:06, Andras Mantia wrote:
>  I have a similar problem, I want to add an action to the mainwindow's 
> action collection. In the "old" code it was:
> Koncrete::Core::mainWindow()->actionCollection()
> But now KDevelop::ICore doesn't seem to have a pointer to the 
> mainwindow. Is there another solution I missed, or we should have a 
> pointer to the mainWindow?

The question is: Why do you need that? I mean add an action to the
mainwindow's ac? Plugins are XMLGuiClients and thus have their own
actioncollection which gets merged using xmlgui description into the


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