[OT] plugins and QDockWidget

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Mar 24 19:06:18 UTC 2007

On 25.03.07 00:24:46, kitts wrote:
> So generally speaking, i assume that every plugin instance maintains a 
> pointer to the mainwindow passed to it in the constructor, holds the 
> responsibility of providing its own mainwidget (if applicable) and receives 
> activation signals to show/hide associated dockwidgets.

No, at least not in KDevelop4. We'd like to hide the mainwindow from any
plugins as we will have multiple mainwindows but only 1 instance of a
plugin. The plugin just provides a factory to create widgets for the
dockwidgets and hopefully it'll also provide a way to create a central
widget if it needs to.

However there are also plugins in KDev4 that don't provide any of the
two and just "do some work", like the project managers or project


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