Configuration stuff in KDev4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Mar 9 10:31:26 UTC 2007

On 08.03.07 18:46:13, Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Thursday 08 March 2007 16:14, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Matt you said some time ago we shall not touch the config-stuff in
> > KDev4, however this is a major problem when we want to start eating our
> > own dogfood.
> >
> > For example I just implemented the qmakebuilder so it runs qmake,
> > however this is currently hardcoded to "qmake-qt4" binary because I have
> > no configuration available that I could use.
> >
> > I do understand that you probably don't have the time to implement this,
> > but could you maybe at least write a wiki page as to what your plans
> > are.  Then somebody else could implement it and we could move forward.
> I will post my thoughts on the wiki. I will not however, commit to doing this 
> by a certain date.

Thats fine with me...

> Whatever is currently in use for the config stuff should continue to be used 
> until a replacement is in place.

Well, the thing is the current stuff is broken as it is, because of all
the changes in KConfig. And back when I started to work on the project
stuff in lib/ you said I shouldn't touch the config stuff as you want to
change it... Thats why its still completely broken...

Anyway, I'll see if I have enough KConfig power to re-surrect what we
have now today/weekend along with the makebuilder and then I think we
may be able to start eating our own dogfood.


Are you a turtle?

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