IProjectFileManager::import and parse

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 26 09:07:37 UTC 2007

On 26.06.07 09:55:37, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 June 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Found some 10 minutes to try this on the qmake manager and it works
> > fine there. So I can only guess that your code does create some items
> > in the wrong way. Unfortunately I didn't understand what its actually
> > doing (except the high-level stuff, reading project files from a
> > webprj file).
> Well, all what it does is to read a list of relative paths to the 
> project base and construct KDevelop::ProjectFolderItem and 
> KDevelop::ProjectFileItem objects from them (build a tree).

As I said, I got the high-level-idea, but for the details I'd need to
sit down for a bit more.

> But if you say it works for you if you build all the items in the import 
> phase, I'll try to debug what's the problem.

Yes QM works fine here with just import and an empty parse();

> Unfortunately I only have a few hours to do it before I start my
> journey to Glasgow. :)

Aaah, right. Akademy. Well, if you can send me a patch against current
quanta svn I can take a look tomorrow.


There is a 20% chance of tomorrow.

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