Problems with the ML archives

Matt Rogers mattr at
Sat Jun 23 13:39:53 UTC 2007

On Jun 23, 2007, at 4:39 AM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> Hi,
> Oliver Kellog just send me a private mail because seemingly he didn't
> get my answer on the kdevelop list. I wanted to point him to the  
> archive
> of that list on However that archive is totally  
> outdated
> (from may 2006). So I went to our website checking wether the archive
> for the kdevelop list is somewhere else. Here comes the problem:
> The mailinglist page also sends people to (for the
> kdevelop list only). This is clearly wrong and needs to be changed.
> Apart from that I don't understand why the archives of kdevelop and
> kdevelop-devel need authorization before you can view them. Whats the
> reasoning behind that? Is this some obscure email-bot-defense?
> I really think the archives to both our lists should be publicly
> available. Without the need to register with the list before being  
> able
> to read the archive.
> Andreas

I don't think you looked in the right place. There are two sections.  
One for the kdevelop list and one for the kdevelop-devel list and  
they go to two separate places.

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