cant compile teamwork plugin from svn

Matt Rogers mattr at
Fri Jun 8 00:15:20 UTC 2007

On Jun 7, 2007, at 6:14 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> On 07.06.07 16:17:14, Sascha Pfau wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007 16:09:48 schrieben Sie:
>>>> ["main.cpp" (text/x-c++src)]
>>>> #include <cc++/socket.h>
>>>> int main(int, char**)
>>>> {
>>>>        ost::UDPSocket s;
>>>> }
>>>> ["" (text/plain)]
>>>> ################################################################### 
>>>> ###
>>>> # Automatically generated by qmake (2.01a) Mi Jun 6 21:20:03 2007
>>>> ################################################################### 
>>>> ###
>>>> TEMPLATE = app
>>>> TARGET =
>>>> DEPENDPATH += .
>>>> LIBS += -lccext2 -lccgnu2
>>>> # Input
>>>> SOURCES += main.cpp
>>> nope it doesnt work for me. it gives me the following output
>>> [peter at banana testccpp]$ make
>>> g++  -o testccpp
>>> main.o    -L/opt/qt/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lccext2 -lccgnu2 -lqt- 
>>> mt -lXext
>>> -lX11 -lm /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/../../../ 
>>> undefined reference to `gnutls_record_send'
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/../../../  
>>> undefined
>>> reference to `gnutls_handshake'
>>> regards
>> but adding -lgnutls in
>> LIBS += -lccext2 -lccgnu2 -lgnutls
>> works.
> Interesting. I'll have a look wether I can find something wrt. changes
> in gcc 4.2's linking behaviour.
> Andreas, who wonders why gcc developers behave the same as openssl  
> devs

gcc devs don't behave the same as openssl devs. Increasing strictness  
is not the same as breaking binary compatibility. libtool was  
responsible for resolving these sorts of library dependencies  
properly, but according to other people more knowledgable, libtool is  
completely broken.

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