Future SIC/BIC changes on kdevplatform

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Thu Jun 7 13:09:20 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 06 June 2007 12:00, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> we didn't discuss this yet: How do we want to go about SIC/BIC changes
> on the platform? I wanted to work on the outputview (make it follow MVC
> concepts) which would of course mean SIC and BIC changes in the
> platform (I'd port the make-, qmakebuilder and svn usages)
> I'm thinking that we may want to not follow kdelibs here for some time
> because currently there are quite some things in "flux", for example the
> duchain will probably go through some larger changes. Maybe until after
> akademy and then SIC/BIC changes are only allowed on Mondays as with
> kdelibs currently. That would also mean things that are BC and SC but
> introduce new features and are done after a monday are not allowed to be
> used until the next monday. For example adding a new class in util/ on
> tuesday would mean KDevelop cannot use this class before the monday
> after.
> Opinions?
> Andreas

We allow SIC/BIC changes at any time until the end of Summer of Code. We 
reevaluate our current status at the end of Summer of Code and then redecide 
the SIC/BIC change policy then.

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