cant compile teamwork plugin from svn

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jun 6 19:26:48 UTC 2007

On 06.06.07 20:15:46, Sascha Pfau wrote:
> hello list,
> i've tried to compile the new kdevplatform with support for teamwork. sounds 
> very interesting by the way. but ld aborts with
> Linking CXX executable testexec
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/../../../ undefined 
> reference to `gnutls_record_send'
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/../../../ undefined 
> reference to `gnutls_handshake'
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/../../../ undefined 
> reference to `gnutls_global_deinit'
> the cmake module founds commoncpp2, but it seems it doesnt honor -lgnutls 
> switch in pkgconfig for libccext2.

It doesn't because thats

a) not needed on my system (which is where the macro was written)
b) not the right way to handle libraries with cmake

A short test program (attached main.cpp and, can be built
by running qmake and make) links fine here. Does it link for you too?

I'm not a linker expert but I thought that its not needed to explicitly
link against libraries that you don't use symbols of, i.e. the linker
"does the right thing" here. I notice though that you use gcc 4.2, so
maybe thats something that got stricter there (as it seems to be much
stricter in many parts).

Anybody around with some good compiler knowledge? (I'd like to avoid
extracting needed libraries from the linkflags returned by pkg-config,
because that gets ugly with cmake).


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