project tree watcher interface plan

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jun 5 14:42:22 UTC 2007

On 05.06.07 08:14:03, Matt Rogers wrote:
> > >
> > > Why does each build manager need its own file system watcher?
> >
> > Because when filesystem are changed, appropriate actions should
> > be taken by project manager again. For ex, if new directory which
> > contains Makefile is copied, the manager should parse() it again.
> > So each manager just reimplement the virtual method.
> >
> You misunderstand. I ask why each manager requires it's own file watcher 
> class, when it's not needed. Handling these FS notifications can be done in a 
> build manager specific way with just signals and slots , or by having the 
> build manager implement an interface. Or even better, just have the build 
> manager do its own thing with regard to file system watching.
> IMHO, after thinking about it more, this is not a problem that requires a 
> platform based solution.

I object - partly. While I do agree that having a file watcher on each
manager or each project is not needed I think its good to have a
directory watcher in a central place so that the managers are not
required to re-invent the wheel here. I don't have a patch at hand, but
I'm thinking of something like a QFSWatcher inside the projectcontroller
and the controller sends out signals for new or removed files (or calls
the manager slots directly). 


Bridge ahead.  Pay troll.

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