Moving code into the kdevplatform module

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jun 2 22:11:11 UTC 2007

On 24.05.07 16:15:58, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Hi,
> This thread is to start the discussion of how to move the stuff in the 
> platform (mostly the lib directory) out of kdevelop and into the platform 
> module.
> Right now, the main option seems to be to just wholesale move kdevelop/lib 
> into kdevplatform. Although it works, I dislike this approach. Instead, I 
> suggest the following:
> Create two subdirectories under kdevplatform:
>  - src
>  - plugins
> The src directory will contain the contents of the current lib directory minus 
> the plugins subdirectory.
> The plugins directory will contain the contents of the current lib/plugins 
> directory.
> Thoughts? Other suggestions?

One or two things that just crossed my mind (while making a plan):

a) naming for the installation dir
I'm leaning towards using <includedir>/kdevplatform/<sublib> and also
<datadir>/kdevplatform/<module> (in case of .desktop or rc files, if

b) pics
Shall pictures from pics/ be also moved to the platform for those things
that the platform provides actions for?


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