Bug in languages/cpp/parser/commentparser*

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jul 29 00:33:01 UTC 2007


as David is not around at the moment, I think I've found a bug in the
commentparser. In CommentSet std::set::find() and
std::set::lower_bound() are used with int as parameter, which of course
doesn't fit (set<Comment, Comment::cmp> is the type), so due to the fact
that there exists a constructor for Comment that takes 1 argument this
is used.

Which means find() and lower_bound create a Comment with token == line,
which seems wrong.

I'm not sure wether a fix like:

find( Comment( 0, line ) )

is correct, thus I'm asking here.

BTW: This was found by a krazy fix I was doing, so I think this proves
that its not completely useless ;)


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