how to define order in visit_foo for KDevelop-pg

Roberto Raggi roberto at
Sun Jul 22 20:51:41 UTC 2007


Il giorno 22/lug/07, alle ore 22:08, Jakob Petsovits ha scritto:
> No, as far as I know this is not possible without having a custom  
> visitor.
> You could
> a) subclass the default visitor and fix the order of the calls in the
>    overriding member function, or

correct solution ;-)

> b) add support for that to kdev-pg directly.

wrong solution

> I think that's pretty much it.

yup ;-)

Jakob I think it is time to bootstrap kdev-pg, is it OK with you? I  
have attached the initial version of the kdev-pg grammar in kdev-pg.  
Now I'm trying to generate the kdev-pg AST using the new grammar.

ciao robe

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