Removing some functionality from custommakefile support
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Sun Jul 22 15:26:29 UTC 2007
On 22.07.07 10:33:34, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Saturday 21 July 2007 18:52, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm "pissed off" enough now to discuss this: I'd like to remove the
> > automatic updating of custommakefile projects. There's a dirwatcher in
> > place that watches all subdirectories of a project for changes. Each
> > time a change happens there are certain things done
> >
> > a) for each source file in that dir a stat is done to check for its
> > existence (using QFileInfo::exists()), if it doesn't exist its
> > afterwards removed from the filelist and also from the blacklist
> I also noticed probably the same and I think too it's not ideal.
> When doing rm myfile.cpp; cvs up myfile.cpp to restore a file to the original
> cvs state kdevelop notices that it doesn't exist anymore, removes it from its
> internal list of project files and doesn't seem to add it again, which has
> the effect that Quick open project files works worse the longer kdevelop is
> running (in days).
Well, thats what Add new files to project is for. The custom makefile
project stores newly added files in an internal list and presents them
for inclusion when you choose the menu item (from the Project menu).
Another option is to use a non-broken version control system ;)
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