KDevelop UI

Kris Wong wongk at seapine.com
Fri Jul 20 17:07:58 UTC 2007

> Could you elaborate a bit? I mean changes in kdevplatform shouldn't be
> that common anymore (except when somebody fixes the profile system and
> for the ui library, but these two mostly don't interact with the
> plugins). I think for the various plugins that kdevelop is composed of
> it does make sense to implement a new feature in a feature branch and
> merge back as soon as you've got something useful.
> I think for the plugins this should work pretty well, as they 
> are nearly
> self-contained and in most cases only 1 person works on a plugin at a
> given time. I think with some extra communication (as in a 
> notification
> mail that feature X will be developed in branches/work/kdevelop4-X) it
> could work out well.

Do you really think the platform is stable at this point?  I imagine
there would be small commits by different people in the platform,
interface changes that cause other areas of the code to need to be
updated, etc...  The longer these branches exist and the more that exist
would mean the further apart the common code in each branch would
become.  Merging this back together and trying to make sure everyone's
changes end up in trunk w/o overwriting other's changes is difficult.
It is difficult here were I have direct access to everyone in the
office.  It becomes even more so with a distributed development team.
Please keep in mind I am not trying to prevent this from happening
persay, but I just want to make sure we are all aware of the risks

Kris Wong

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