KDevelop-PG bug when printing First/Follow conflicts

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jul 20 12:15:11 UTC 2007

On 20.07.07 01:13:12, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> Il giorno 20/lug/07, alle ore 00:32, Andreas Pakulat ha scritto:
>  - deprecate the current input file format and use something a little bit "more 
> standard" (a lot of people asked for it). It sucks because I have to write a 
> tool to convert kdev-pg 1.x files :(

Personally I don't mind the current input format, except maybe that the
rule name comes after the rule content, which somehow is opposite to my
usual workflow...


You worry too much about your job.  Stop it.  You are not paid enough to worry.

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