KDevelop-PG bug when printing First/Follow conflicts

Roberto Raggi roberto at kdevelop.org
Thu Jul 19 23:44:57 UTC 2007

Il giorno 20/lug/07, alle ore 01:13, Roberto Raggi ha scritto:
>  - improve the library. I want generalize the kdev-pg-token-stream  
> and rewrite AST and Visitors

for instance the code to visit a list_node<ast*> is very ugly :-)  
look at this

     if (node->stmt_sequence)
         const list_node<statement_ast*> *__it = node->stmt_sequence- 
 >to_front(), *__end = __it;
             __it = __it->next;
         while (__it != __end);

see? it doesn't have to be so ugly and difficult to use.

I think I will change the coding style of the generated code too,  
something a little more Qt friendly. I was in I want to be a STL- 
developer-mode when I started kdev-pg, but now I'm sick of all that  
underscores ;-)

ciao robe

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