[KDev3.4] Adding additional but *important* message to stable branch

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 19 17:29:44 UTC 2007

On 19.07.07 11:55:32, dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/7/18, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> > I'd rather see an entry in the FAQ for svn+ssh than some text
> > "somewhere" in the IDE (think about people that use svn+ssh on the new
> > project wizard, you want to add the message there too??). IMHO this
> > information doesn't belong into the user interface, but into the
> > documentation (and the FAQ comes close to that).
> There is FAQ on subversion plugin useage. This usage information is wrong.
> http://www.kdevelop.org/index.html?filename=3.4/faq.html#How_to_use_the_SVN_plugin.3F
> I'll correct that someday. But I wonder how many people can find here...

Anybody who's pointed to it, looks onto our webpage to find
information or looks into the kdevelop manual. I know people often don't
read such things, but we can't do much about that, except telling them
where to find the FAQ. 

But the same is true for an information on the vcs-page, few people read
a paragraph on some gui form when all they want is select a vcs plugin.
Also I don't see currently how you want to do that, unless I'm mistaken
there's no way to display text on that page when svn is selected, unless
you also change the vcs-interfaces in kdev3. So its actually about a BIC
change in a bugfix release, which IMHO completely disqualifies this


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