Bug in KDevelop-PG's location-stuff

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jul 13 16:41:31 UTC 2007

On 13.07.07 17:55:04, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> Hi
> Il giorno 13/lug/07, alle ore 13:30, Andreas Pakulat ha scritto:
> > The runtime is included, if you don't have kdev-pg installed. Its  
> > in the
> > generated/ folder of the qmake plugin. Of course thats only used when
> > you don't have kdev-pg installed in which case the installed headers
> > will be used.
> >
> > As soon as we have more than 1 plugin in kdevelop itself that uses
> > kdev-pg the kdev-pg-runtime headers will move to a more central place,
> > but for now there's no reason for that. (python and ruby plugins are
> > completely standalone in playground)
> well, I disagree ;-) Don't you think that is stupid and ugly to have  
> 7 different copies of kdev-pg-token-stream.h in 7 different  
> kdevelop4's subprojects? and it is even more stupid if you think that  
> I started kdev-pg to reduce the number of external libraries.

Yes, thats why the kdev-pg-token-stream.h is used if kdev-pg exists.
However as far as I can tell the consensus is that a parser generator
should not be a hard requirement of kdevelop or one of its plugins. That
include's the headers from it. It would be different if kdev-pg would
have a library that would need linking to (but that would be a

And I'm not sure where the kdev-pg runtime (and only that runtime) fits
into the kdevplatform.

Having said that, I do agree that we shouldn't have real copies, instead
we should use the svn-externals feature to fetch the kdev-pg runtime
into each of the parsers that need it. I'll go around and do that right

> [roberto at MacBook devtools (master)]$ find kdevelop4-extra-plugins - 
> name "kdev-pg-token-stream.h"
> kdevelop4-extra-plugins/csharp/parser/kdev-pg-token-stream.h
> kdevelop4-extra-plugins/java/parser/kdev-pg-token-stream.h
> kdevelop4-extra-plugins/python/parser/generated/kdev-pg-token-stream.h
> kdevelop4-extra-plugins/ruby/parser/generated/kdev-pg-token-stream.h

Please note that only python is currently actively worked on, I try to
keep ruby up-to-date as its not much work and Alexander wants to work on
it again (sooner rather than later I think). java and csharp where
already quite outdated so I opted to leave them as they were, also I
don't know what Jakob's (or anybody else's) plans are for these two

So all in all its not 7 copies, its 3 that are maintained atm.


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