Error reporting bug in kdev-pg?

Roberto Raggi roberto.raggi at
Fri Jul 13 15:03:14 UTC 2007


Il giorno 13/lug/07, alle ore 13:32, Andreas Pakulat ha scritto:
> So can I just do
> size_t index = token_stream->index()-1;
> token_type& token = token_stream->token(index);
> to get "expected" error reporting? Or does that have possible bad
> side-effects? (I personally can't see why it should, except if  
> there's a
> bug and it seems to work fine here)

As I said before it is not a bug. btw I don't see why you want to do  
that. In general the standard error message (when using LL) is  
something like
   *** Unexpected token `foo' at (line, col).

and `foo' is the look-ahead token, so I really don't understand why  
you want to use the last recognized token (the one at position  
token_stream->index() - 1).

ciao robe

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