Future of teamwork plugin

Andras Mantia amantia at kde.org
Fri Jul 6 12:59:37 UTC 2007

On Friday 06 July 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > What I forsee is that the user wants to install Quanta in a
> > distribution and will suddenly need to install boost, even if
> > Quanta is not using. Through the dependency of Quanta on
> > kdevplatform, which depends on teamwork, which depends on boost.
> This is a distribution problem and not ours. How distributions
> package the KDE module's is their "thing" and yes I do know some
> distro's suck at this, thats just another reason to change the
> distribution - IMHO.
Unfortunately the distribution problems are also fire back to us. And 
this is what I'm worried about. As it is known, most of the users use 
the distribution packages, and they do not compile from source. And no, 
changing distributions is not always good, as none of them is perfect 
and its always good to use what you know better. Actually I use two 
(Suse and Kubuntu) and I'm not completely happy with either (altough I 
favour one over the other, but still keep the other as well). And both 
have packaging (and dependency) issues...

> Thats wrong, IMHO. If Boost enables the coder to write code that
> actually makes it possible to write this plugin then it also adds
> value for the user.

Yes, I agree in such case, if there is no alternative, this can make 

> Oh, who said that? boost compile's totally fine with gcc4.2 and it
> also works with gcc4.2 when itself is built with gcc 4.1. The problem
> I had was with GNU Common C++, which uses a header (for providing
> mutexes IIRC) from the standard gcc headers which doesn't exist in
> gcc 4.2. 

I read my backlog of kde-commits lately and found this comment there:
 # Teamwork is disabled until somebody figures out why it doesn't build 
-# boost 1.33.1:
+# boost 1.33.1 and CommonC++ 1.5.6 doesn't work with gcc 4.2:

If this is already fixed, that's fine.

Regarding the move out: as I said I don't want to continue with the 
arguing. I'll try to be positive and will say now that let's leave 
teamwork where it is and decide before the first beta what to do with 
it. If David or somebody else will keep it updating so it doesn't fail 
to compile and keeps tracking the changes of rest of kdevplatform, I'm 
already half happy. If some more work is done to reduce the 
dependencies, that'd be even better. 


Quanta Plus developer - http://quanta.kdewebdev.org
K Desktop Environment - http://www.kde.org

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