Third iteration of QMake parser, looking for a parser generator

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jul 3 22:19:23 UTC 2007

On 03.07.07 03:35:59, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> coco/R
>   + Clean C++ code, no need for a library
>   - LL(1), not sure if thats enough for qmake's syntax

I looked a bit closer at this now and from reading how its working it
seems quite nice. There is a downside though: The generation of the
parser from the grammar will happen only manually. There are two

a) Coco/R is I think seldomly installed
b) I don't see how I can write a find-macro for it, without major
problems depending on the distro. Finding the binary is not really a
problem, but unfortunately Coco/R expects the templates for the classes
to be in the current directory or passing their proper position as
commandline arguments. This would mean something like

find_file( Parser.frame PATHS

Not to mention the possibility of copying the frames into some private


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