Third iteration of QMake parser, looking for a parser generator

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jul 3 12:42:22 UTC 2007

On 03.07.07 13:19:28, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> Il giorno 03/lug/07, alle ore 12:52, Andreas Pakulat ha scritto:
> >Its not documented. Not at all. And no the .g file in it and the
> >resulting code is no documentation that I can work with. Sorry, I really
> >looked into it and hoped it could be used, but thats not possible.
> there is pretty much nothing to document.

You know thats wrong.

> It's a plain standard LALR tool. So if you know LALR 
> you know how to use QLALR :-) But I understand that you need an example :-) I tough that Qt 
> Script (and QLALR) was enough.

Uhm, no, examples are good, but one needs some information how the
grammar's syntax is and how semantic actions can be written. Yes I can
learn the most basic things from the example's, but some things are just
strange and I don't have the time for example to dive into how I have to
write FooParser subclass for $table. Unless there's some documentation
for it. I need documentation for somebody who doesn't come from a
language-parser world, somebody that just wants to write some rules and
semantic actions to build an AST from a text.


You attempt things that you do not even plan because of your extreme stupidity.

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