RFC: KDevelop4 icons, what do we want/need?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jan 30 20:54:33 UTC 2007

On 30.01.07 22:39:52, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 January 2007 21:53, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Also I think in KDevelop4 with the perspective support we should think
> > about showing/hiding toolbars that are not of interest to the user in a
> > certain perspective. For example remove the debugging toolbar in the
> > edit perspective.
> I can think of only one way to do that. In KDevelop3 each plugin
> is an xmlgui client and can put its stuff into the mainwindow.
> Now imagine we have N mainwindows available (as planned for KDevelop4).
> What I thought would be a solution is to make toolview a xmlgui client.
> But KDev4 already is capable of adding more than one toolviews to the
> single window and that toolview as xmlgui client is wrong in this case.
> So we'd need to create plugin ui in another way probably...

Not sure I follow you here, but as I understand it just going on as we
are now would mean we'd have the same toolbar in all N mainwindows?
Regardless of the toolviews shown in each mainwindow? I think that would
be a problem.

I think we should go the eclipse way here, providing only 2 to 5 actions
in the main toolbar for a given xmlgui plugin. Any other actions of that
plugin should go into a plugin-specific toolbar.


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