RFC: KDevelop4 icons, what do we want/need?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jan 25 23:31:24 UTC 2007

On 25.01.07 17:01:07, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Did you look at the attached document?

Sorry, I don't have the time today. I'll try to do that during the
weekend. I just wanted to drop a note, as you were saying you commit
that, possibly producing extra unneeded work.

> With the exception of 
> autotools-related stuff (for which I am making a 'don't do this yet!' 
> note right now :-)), every single item is IMO something that *any* IDE 
> would have. Maybe I am less visionary, but I don't see the actions 
> 'build', 'clean', 'run program', 'stop program', etc going away in 
> KDev4.

No, the question is more if we're going to need icons for each and every
action we will have. (And yes we need an icon for each of the ones

> IDE's out there. I was specifically trying to think of things whose use 
> is specific to "IDE's in general" (if even that), not only KDevelop.

Ok, then. I guess I was a bit hasty :)

> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 25.01.07 14:20:56, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> I am working on a list of IDE-like icons to give to the Oxygen folk, so that 
> >> KDevelop4 can have system-provided icons. Anyway, a few comments...
> >>
> >> For debugging controls, could VCR icons be used for run, break, stop, restart?
> Any thoughts here? One point is that the need for VCR-like icons is not 

Hmm, what is VCR? 

> If there are specific items you are concerned about, I would appreciate 
> more detailed discussion, but at the very least I want my 'sync to dir' 
> icon request going up. I'm sure you remember the discussion on that a 
> while back, and as you know this one is certainly not used only by 
> KDevelop. (And IMNSHO we *really* need a better one :-).)

Hehe, yeah I do remember :) Please go ahead on that one. I don't have
Kate4 around to see if it still has a file-tree-view or not.


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