kdev4 completely broken

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jan 19 02:06:50 UTC 2007


today I did a kdevelop4 build to test something for Sebastian Sauer and
found that not a single KDevelop plugin would load. So now we're only a
mainwindow that embedds kparts, unless I overlooked something of course.

Upon opening one of the kdev4 projects I have kdevelop complains about
not being able to load KDevProjectManager plugin. Although the plugin
library names haven't changed and neither the desktop files it seems
they can't be loaded for some reason. I tried a clean build of couse.

Am I alone with this or did Matt break kdev4? Just wanted to drop a mail
before getting to bed so I don't forget about this :)


PS: Debugging output says:
kdevelop (core): WARNING: [Koncrete::Plugin* Koncrete::PluginController::loadPluginInternal(const QString&)] Unable to find a plugin named 'KDevGenericImporter'!
kdevelop (core): WARNING: [Koncrete::Plugin* Koncrete::PluginController::loadPluginInternal(const QString&)] Unable to find a plugin named 'KDevProjectManager'!

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