KDevelop automake support... living in the past?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 17 23:46:24 UTC 2007

Matt Rogers wrote:
> *grmbl* quit top posting.

Heh, indeed... no http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU, please. ;-)
(Yes I know this isn't the Cygwin list, but clearly us pair of 
Matt[hew]'s feel similarly.)

> Actually, I intend to significantly expand the feature set for the automake 
> support. I just haven't had time to work on it much for the last 9 months or 
> so.

Awesome! :-) (And I'll assume that includes not doing deprecated things 
in the auto-generated files? ;-) ...the autoconf list will be happy to 
tell you what those are. In fact, at some point posting a bare project 
there and having them poke holes in it probably wouldn't be a bad idea.)

HIPPOS feel unacknowledged. HIPPOS get angry.
HIPPOS seem somewhat placated.

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