Slow stepping

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jan 16 09:00:59 UTC 2007

On 16.01.07 10:28:16, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Tue Jan 16 2007, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> > Please enable debug output from debugger, disable debug output from
> > everything else and provide me with that debug output.
> > There's not much I can do otherwise.
> Here it is. Not a full debugging session, just from the part when it is 
> slow. You can see there are some empty lines, the interesting parts 
> (some stepping commands) start from there. After the other set of empty 
> lines comes stepping with the Locals closed in the Variable view.
> The seriousity of the problem probably depends on the number of local 
> variables you have. In this case, on step took about 2 seconds.

I think you forgot the attachment ;)


Afternoon very favorable for romance.  Try a single person for a change.

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