valgrind/kcachegrind integration patch

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Sat Jan 13 00:14:40 UTC 2007

Alexander Dymo wrote:
> Our valgrind plugin still wants the user to run "calltree" executable to
> produce output to feed the kcachegrind. But modern versions of
> valgrind (>=3.2) include that functionality already and instead of calltree
> "valgrind --tool=callgrind" should be used. Also we shall expect another
> output filename (

Did you mean to write 'valgrind>=2.2'? :-)
AFAIK --tool=callgrind has been around for a lot longer than 3.x (I have 
2.2.0, and I use callgrind all the time), so yeah, this should probably 
change. :-)

Um, and I didn't realize kcachgrind understood calltree output (or why 
you would care)... or, at least on my system, "calltree" is a source 
code analyzer and is completely unlike callgrind. Although if you /are/ 
talking about that one, it's still valuable because it shows all 
/possible/ paths, not just ones an execution cycle tickles.

"Stop that, it's silly!" -- Colonel
(Monty Python, "And Now For Something Completely Different")

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