Where did "format files" come from, and can I get my accelerator back?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jan 5 00:59:49 UTC 2007

On 04.01.07 15:24:04, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is KATE's fault or KDevelop's fault, but I haven't 
> touched the former and I rebuild the latter all the time (plus this 
> isn't in KWrite), so...
> In my Tools menu, I suddenly have the item "&Format files" that I don't 
> remember ever seeing before. This is annoying because it uses the 'F' 
> accelerator which previously gave me the '&File type" menu without fuss. 
> This is breaking my muscle-memory workflow :-(. Is it possible to either 
> drop the accelerator or maybe use another letter? (Although I don't see 
> any unclaimed letters...)

IMHO we can leave that item without an accelerator, its new and thus
rarely used (Can't see myself using it anyway). 

And yes that addition is "new", but its not that new. Megan Webb added
that and it was early december that she last worked on astyle/formatting

I'll see that this gets fixed.


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