[Patch] Window history

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Feb 12 08:54:53 UTC 2007

On 12.02.07 01:15:47, Paulo Moura Guedes wrote:
> On Saturday 03 February 2007 22:20, Jörg Rüppel wrote:
> > Paulo Moura Guedes wrote:
> > > The attached patch allows to popup a menu that has a list of documents,
> > > sorted by visit order, just like the window manager ALT-Tab.
> > > Usually CTRL-Tab is used has a shortcut but has it is a very busy
> > > shortcut in KDE, CTRL[-SHIFT]-F6 was choosen for default (just like in
> > > Eclipse).
> >
> > Is someone going to apply this? I'd really like to see this in KDevelop.
> AFAIK it won't be applied because it's a big patch and it uses a parallel 
> history (because the current one doesn't do what is needed).

Yes those are two things making this change a bit problematic.

> As the main window code will be discontinued for KDE 4 and the patch can't 
> break anything I don't understand the reason why though.

It might be that this has just been forgotten, Jörg could open a
wishlist report and attach the patch, that way it won't be forgotten.

Apart from that I do have Strg+Tab behaviour here, although I didn't
apply the patch. I have no idea how or why this works here or how I
activated it. However I don't get the popup...


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