KDevelop4 icons

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Feb 2 08:25:24 UTC 2007

On 30.01.07 20:24:52, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> I'd like to add that most of these icons could go into global space, not into 
> KDevelop-only one, and all the developer tools like KDbg and Kexi and 
> (probably) Quanta could use them.

Yes, I think those icons should be part of the standard theme in

> Does 'run autotools' and similar very specialized action need an icon at all? 

We don't know yet. Currently all this buildsystem-stuff is very much in
flux and while we do have a basic API we don't really know how the GUI
will look like and wether we will have a separate toolbar on the
projectmanager or not.

> It's not easy to draw icons for verbs like this.
> Is there currently any policy for KDevelop related to this? (I am asking as 
> Kexi is in the same "family")

Not sure what you mean with "this", but I think having icons for most of
the stuff that is part of the menus is important. After all these
actions can all be put into the users toolbar, if they have an icon
(well they can be put there even without an icon, but then you'd need to
show the text which needs too much space)


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