EnvironmentManager crash

Kris Wong wongk at seapine.com
Tue Dec 18 13:22:34 UTC 2007

> I had a look at the code, is it using a sorted std::set?  I
> don't think Qt has
> a direct equivalent, but we could use QSet and then apply a
> sorting operator
> to the list, or use QMap which is ordered and just use a dummy value.

I haven't looked at this code (and thus am not entirely sure what you are commenting on), but just a quick comment - QSet is a hash-based container.  i.e., it provides amortized constant look up (and cannot be ordered).  I assume the purpose of using such a container is for efficient look up, in which case the Qt implementation would generally perform better than its STL counterpart, which I believe is tree-based.

Kris Wong

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