Multiple windows saving

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Dec 13 13:58:23 UTC 2007

On 13.12.07 11:04:57, Esben Mose Hansen wrote:
> The fancy 
> solution would be to have a confirm dialog box with two extra options: "Quit 
> with asking ever again", and "Don't quit and disable shortcut in the future". 

I disagree. I agree about a dialog that asks you on Quit wether you
really want that or not, including the checkbox to not ask you again
(which makes the shortcut disabled effectively).

> I'd wager that most people would select the second one. Just the start-up 
> time of KDevelop means that accidentially quitting is annoying, even if the 
> entire state is restored without fail. And the alternative shortcut Alt-F Q 
> is not exactly a huge deal to type :)

KDevelop3 is already pretty fast at starting up, but KDevelop4 is there
in an instant (once it doesn't print out tons of debugging messages).


You have had a long-term stimulation relative to business.

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