Multiple windows saving

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Dec 9 18:24:31 UTC 2007

On 09.12.07 20:20:35, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> KDevelop now saves a position of its window, when there's one
> window. I've tried to test if KDevelop would restore two
> windows, if they were open on exit, but I've run into
> a fundamental issue -- I cannot exit when there are two windows
> shown -- the "Quit" command in menu will exit only the current
> window. 
> Should there be some "Really quit all windows" command, that
> would restore the number of position of all windows, so that
> they are restored on next start?

No, Quit should quit the application. And in addition we should have
Close Area which closes just the current mainwindow. IMHO of course :)


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