VCS Interface classes

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Apr 30 00:22:02 UTC 2007


I present to you our new VCS interface classes (that I finally managed
to write up, based on the enourmus thread some time ago).

I'd like to keep the discussion to a minimum, so here are the points
that are allowed to be discussed ;)

* major problems for a given system with the proposed interface
* return types for the methods, we need a way to communicate at least
  errors back, but I'm not sure how to do that best given that the 
  methods should execute asynchronously
* Parameters for push/pull in the distributed vcs iface, no idea whats
  needed there
* diff and log parameters, am not 100% sure there
* usage of simple QString's for any parameter that can be a repository
  url (anything that is always a local url should stay KUrl), if a VCS
  system can't use a url for describing a repository location

I've tried to give some reasonable information about the various

I think a week for discussion is enough (unless somebody plans vacations
during the next week), thus I'm going to commit these interfaces to svn
next weekend or on the bic monday. I'm not yet sure wether I remove the
existing iface class (and force our two vcs-plugin-coders to move to the
new interface) or wether I'll leave them in for another two or three
weeks. Input on that is appreciated too.


Everything will be just tickety-boo today.

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