[KDev4] buildtools/builder API suggestion.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Apr 29 19:53:47 UTC 2007

On 29.04.07 14:05:38, dukju ahn wrote:
> > clean() is already a part of the IProjectBuilder interface.
> I forgot about it:) My intention was such as "make doc",
> "make translation" or "make client" etc...

These should be created as target items by the manager.

> > If the
> > project manager provides the targets then the builder should use text()
> > IMHO.
> Plus two. The MakeBuilder should also know the build_dir

This is already present in the buildsystemmanager interface.

> and option arguments list. Then these two can be added.

This should be a project configuration value which the make builder can
read. And actually the kcm for the make builder already has some options
you can set.

> 1.
> Actually every items _except_ ProjectTargetItem have url() method.
> So url() may go down to ProjectBaseItem

See above, url is not needed at the target item place and actually a
target item has no url like that. The builder should rather take the url
of the parent of the target and compute from that directory and the
builddir the right path were to start make.


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