[kdev 4] isn't this dangerous?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Apr 20 17:17:38 UTC 2007

On 20.04.07 19:57:27, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Friday 20 April 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Because the instances are not created by us. We can only give a
> > QObject to KServiceTypeTrader::createInstanceFromQuery as parent.
> Well, but shouldn't we do a dynamic_cast at least?

Well, if the dynamic_cast fails the plugin won't work and from the
plugin destructor I don't think we can abort the plugin creation (or can

Somehow I feel we should provide our own factory implementation for
kdevelop plugins, which checks the QObject* parameter using dynamic_cast
and returns 0 if its not Core/ICore.


Is that really YOU that is reading this?

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