KDev3 SVNFileInfoPovider::status

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Apr 20 15:21:14 UTC 2007

On 20.04.07 09:37:39, dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/4/18, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> Then what caused the NetAccess::synchronousRun() returns immediatly??
> First see the attached logfile.
> See line 197. synchronousRun() about to be started.
> But right after BlockingProcess calls exit_loop().
> And see line 205. synchronousRun() finishes __right after__ the
> BlockingKProcess calls exit_loop()
> And see line 208. the kio_svnProtocol starts to run now.
> Then see line 242. The BlockingKProcess exits from its loop, with timeout.
> This BlockingKProcess instance was created in line 165.
> Note that NetAccess::synchronousRun() also uses the same
> qApp->enter_loop(), exit_loop() to implement blocking.

Ok, this is going to be a problem. We can't solve this, except removing
BlockingKProcess, which will cause severe other problems (like broken
QMake Manager). Except if Andras sees a way to make this work (he wrote

I think we should rather look again into making it asynchronously. I'll
try to have a look this weekend, but I can't promise anything (my
grandmother is celebrating 70th birthday tomorrow) so if somebody else
has the time please don't hesitate.

> -- that is, blocking UI for one minitues after opening the project
>  and the initial VCS status is not colored in filetreeview.
> I need help. And this should be resolved before the 3.5.7 tag.

Well, thats still 10 days away and even if we don't make it thats not a
severe problem. After all its just the top-level dirs.


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