[RFC] Workingstyle of different VCS systems

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Apr 13 22:26:20 UTC 2007

On 13.04.07 15:39:13, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 13.04.07 13:02:35, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>> e) implement IFoo+IFooV2+IBar, thus make sure it is found when any code
> >>> needs any of the 3 interfaces. 
> >> That's exactly what I'm afraid of, but unless we can create IBar and 
> >> IFooV2 and arrange for IFoo to become IFoo : IBar, IFooV2 (without 
> >> breaking BC) then we're stuck with this. I guess we'll just hope this 
> >> never comes up. :-)
> > 
> > Why should we need this? e) is the way to go and there's no problem if a
> > plugin "suddenly" adds an interface I think (wrt BC).
> No, I just wish the choice wasn't "implement a redundant interface or 
> potentially stop working with existing scripts." Ah, well. :-)

Uhm, implement a redundant interface is not exactly right. The new
interface and the old one have 99% the same methods, so all you have to
do is change the plugins subclassing declaration and possibly remove a
function or two. Thats all. There's nothing more to do.


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