[RFC] Workingstyle of different VCS systems

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 12 16:33:26 UTC 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 12.04.07 11:12:25, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> I'm increasingly convinced that we are going to need a document 
>> explaining what these standardized actions are, or users are going to be 
>> confused. The alternative would be to let each VCS assign a "familiar" 
>> name to the actions while using a standardized API, but I think I would 
>> prefer the former option.
> I fully agree with you, actually thats exactly what I wanted to do
> before trying to come up with actual API's this weekend (i.e. gathering
> all the information in this thread) and putting that on the wiki and
> apidox...

Awesome! Let me know when the wiki stuff is up, and where; I'd be happy 
to take a look.

I don't think anyone has said this yet, so I will; thanks for all the 
awesome work coordinating this!

GDRLaH - Grin, Duck, and Run Like a Hippo! :-)

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