Getting the current active project
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at
Mon Apr 2 22:38:18 UTC 2007
Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Saturday 31 March 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> Hmm, currently we don't because KConfig doesn't support reading from
>> remote urls. I have currently no idea how we could make this work,
>> except by copying the project file to the remote location after
>> project closing.
> That's the solution I also used in Quanta in some places. Store a copy
> of the file in a temp directory and upload when needed.
> Not supporting remote projects is a showstopper for us. I understand
> that remote projects doesn't mean too much sense for C++, but this is
> not the case when you don't have to compile the sources.
Huh? Sure they do :-). It is common around here to have sources sitting
on NFS volumes in a different state, and do builds there. Since (it goes
without saying) X performance over such a link sucks, it would be
/normal/ here to want to work on a remote C/C++/Java project. You
wouldn't (be able to) use particular features (like building/debugging)
but might still want KDevelop for navigation, plug-ins (hmm, ok I guess
grepview might not work so well, that's unfortunate*), and because the
interface IMO is better than Kate for dealing with many files.
I actually suggested this to a coworker. IIRC it didn't work out
directly, but I was quite surprised to find it wouldn't have worked anyway!
This, along with Andreas' point, brings up a thought that would be very
helpful here; if project files and source files didn't need to be in the
same tree (I forget, maybe KDevelop4 already allows this?), or, better
yet, have a way to locally cache frequently-accessed files and/or files
that can't be remote (i.e. Andreas' point again) and push them out
either asynchronously in the background, and/or on project close.
(*...and here's another good point; is it possible to port grepview to
somehow work with remote projects, or at least to work over sftp where
presumably it can be run in an ssh -c session?)
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