Please add a style hint to make the tab direction in dock widgets configurable

Adam Treat treat at
Mon Sep 4 19:39:57 UTC 2006


The KDevelop 4 group has been monitoring the tab feature in recent 
QMainWindow/QDockWidget snapshots of Qt 4.2.  We have a couple of suggestions 
for things we'd like to see:

1.  How about a style hint to make the tab direction vertical like in KDevelop 
3's IDEAL mode.  I saw this in an earlier snapshot, but recent ones seem to 
be all horizontal at the bottom.

2.  We would very much like a programmatical interface to the tab bar feature 
in QMainWindow.  I understand this is coming for Qt 4.3.

Hopefully the style hint ( at least for non-MacOSX && non-Windows ) can be 
available for 4.2.


Adam Treat

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